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Extending Interfaces or Types

Let's say you have two things - an employee and a retiree. Both are a person, one has a salary, one has a pension.

type Person = {
name: string;

type Employee = Person & {
salary: number;

pension?: never;

type Retiree = Person & {
pension: number;

salary?: never;

type Worker = Employee | Retiree;

const joe: Worker = {
name: "Joe Smith",

salary: 50000, //  pension: 30000

function giveRaise(w: Worker): Worker {
if (w.pension) {
return {

pension: w.pension * 1.1,
} as Retiree;
} else {
return {

salary: w.salary * 1.1,
} as Employee;

Tagged Union Types and Switch

type SuccessResult<T> = {
status: "OK";

value: T;

type ErrorResult = {
status: "FAIL";

message: string;

type MaybeResult = {
status: "Maybe";

type Result<T> = SuccessResult<T> | ErrorResult; // add MaybeResult here
const r1: Result<string> = {
status: "OK",

value: "Tacos",

const r2: Result<string> = {
status: "FAIL",

message: "Fail whale!",

function handleIt(h: Result<string>) {
switch (h.status) {
case "OK": {
return "It is ok, and has " + h.value;

case "FAIL": {
return "It failed with message" + h.message;

default: {
const x: never = h;