When we build applications using Angular, we are building applications that involve just about every piece of a vast eco-system of technology related to the world wide web.
While you don't need to be a complete guru with all these technologies (few people are), you must have some competency in some, and a good understanding of most.
The Browser as an Application Development Platform
Talk a bit here about web browsers - how they have a set of APIs, what their restrictions are, etc.
Web Browsers
Differences between web browsers, standards (, and the devices they run on (16.667ms isn't the same across the spectrum.)
The Document Object Model
The document object model is the "point of truth" for the web browser in relation to what is presented to the user. The DOM is defined through two different mechanisms:
- Declaratively through HTML
- Programmaticaly through JavaScript using the the DOM APIs
Show an example of an HTML document, and then programmatically adding elements with JavaScript using the
{{#include ./code/demo1.html}}
{{#include ./code/demo1.js}}
User-Agent Style Sheet #### JavaScript